“The Robe to me symbolizes longevity and versatility. As ensemble members you are called on to do so many things and to be lucky enough to win the robe means you've lasted, and you are a versatile performer.
I felt tremendously humbled to have the robe placed on my shoulders. I've been in the business over 15 years and have been lucky enough to witness six robe ceremonies. There is A LOT of wonderful history wrapped up in that robe, and you feel like you become a small part of that when you wear it.”
Name: Kevin Worley
Show: Bandstand
Opening Night: April 26, 2017
Hometown: I was raised in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, went to school in St. Louis and now live in Maplewood, NJ with my incredible wife, little boy and little boy-to-be due in September.
Broadway Debut: 42nd Street (revival), August 19, 2003
Professional Training: Webster University Conservatory
Year Joined Equity: 2001
How I Got My Equity Card: “Nothing terribly dramatic about getting my card, except the amazement of working at the MUNY as my first professional theater gig. I turned down my card the first summer, but so glad I took it the second year!”
Broadway Chorus Credits: Eight!
Fun Fact: “I'm terrified of tap class! I've made my career (7 of 10 shows either all tap or significant tap) as a tap dancer and because I learned by doing shows and trading steps on breaks and NOT by taking class, it remains one of my biggest fears!”
Kevin Worley gets robed by Betsy Struxness and David Westphal. Photo by Walter McBride.
Kevin Worley poses with Bandstand stars Laura Osnes, Beth Leavel and Corey Cott. Photo by Walter McBride.