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Paymaster List

Actors' Equity Association requires that all Employers hiring Actors and/or Stage Managers on Equity contracts carry Workers' Compensation and Unemployment Insurance and have the ability to hire the Actors and/or Stage Managers as employees, and have the ability to process payroll on a weekly basis.

Actors and/or Stage Managers working on Equity contracts may not be hired as Independent Contractors (1099 Employees).

If your organization/company is not able to fulfill the above requirements, you must use a Paymaster service to serve as the Employer of Record. The rates and services of each of the Paymaster companies may vary, so you will need to contact the Paymaster(s) you are interested in using, and confirm that they will be a good fit for your organization/company.

This listing of Paymaster companies is provided by Actors' Equity Association as a courtesy and convenience to you, and does not represent Actors' Equity Association's endorsement of any particular Paymaster Company.

You may also conduct your own research online, or through your business acquaintances, and hire other Paymasters who do not appear on the list above, as long as they are able to fulfill the requirements listed above.

Please note: When you hire a Paymaster company, the business relationship is between your organization/company, and the Paymaster company, and any questions regarding the Paymaster should be directed to them, and not to Actors' Equity staff. The information provided on this list is subject to change without notice.

Actors' Equity Association does not endorse any particular Paymaster company.

American Residuals and Talent (ART)Maryjane Beattie603-367-9955maryjane@artpayroll.com26 Gregs Way, Suite A, Tamworth, NH 03886
Austin Creative AllianceLaura Walberg512-247-2531laura@austincreativealliance.org81 San Marcos St, Suite C1, Austin, TX 78702
NPI Entertainment Payroll, Inc.Erin Ray818-566-7878 ext. 2012 or 866-296-2267erin@npipayroll.com2550 Hollywood Way, Suite 430, Burbank, CA 91505
Sound 80David Valdez612-425-4365dvaldez@sound80.com222 S 9th St, Suite 3600, Minneapolis, MN 55402
The Talent Fund LLCKate or payroll@talentfund.com780 Main St, Half Moon Bay, CA 94019
Trice Talent Services, Inc.Rebecca 
University Resident Theatre Association (URTA)Tony Hagopian212-221-1130thagopian@urta.com1560 Broadway, Suite 1103, New York, NY 10036