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Auditions and Job Interviews

As of January 2, 2023, all required Equity Auditions are taking place in person as outlined in our collectively bargained agreements.

You can learn more about our Audition Centers in Chicago, New York and Los Angeles and how to rent them here.


Casting Call is Equity's internal job board, the best way to advertise audition notices and stage manager openings to Equity Members. Notices submitted to Equity by the appropriate deadline (set by your Equity agreement) will also be published in Trade publications. Please note: should you have multiple notice types, you must complete a separate form for each notice.

Audition/job notices should be submitted by email to the region where your audition/interview will occur. Find your region.

Eastern Region:

Central Region:

Western Region:


At Equity, we believe that the key to a great casting or job notice is clear and accurate information. When you provide the right information in your notice, you'll be sure to get more of the appropriate actors at your auditions or stage managers at your interviews. Here are the essentials of an effective Equity notice. Be sure to consult your agreement for more specific requirements.

NOTICE TYPE Equity Principal Auditions (EPAs), Equity Chorus Call (ECC), Stage Manager Job Notice or Photo/Resume Requests (appropriate for non-required auditions only).

EQUITY AGREEMENT under which the production is being produced (e.g. Production Contract, SPT Tier 4, LOA). Please be sure to include your current weekly salary.

DATE(S) AND HOURS for the auditions, including lunch break (e.g. Wednesday, January 4, 2023, 9:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m., Lunch 1 p.m. – 2 p.m.)

LOCATION at which the auditions will take place, including any special information a performer might need to find the location (e.g. Scenic Playhouse, Huge Multi-tenant Building, 123 Stage Door Road, Anywhere, US. Enter through the stage door, opposite the library. Anywhere is 4 miles east of Somewhere, CA on US Rte 457.)

NAMES OF PERSONNEL involved in the production (Author(s), Producer, Artistic Director, Stage Director, Musical Director, Choreographer, etc.) If your agreement requires that you include the name(s) and title(s) of the casting personnel expected to attend your audition, note that here as well.

DATES of the first rehearsal, first preview (if applicable), official opening and closing. If the production plays an unusual schedule (e.g. weekends only or three shows per day), or if your agreement requires you to list your performance schedule, please include this information as well.

APPOINTMENTS When holding EPAs or ECCs in New York, Chicago or Los Angeles, those cities' audition procedures must be observed. (EPA procedures | ECC procedures) Outside these metro areas, some theatres prefer to conduct auditions by appointment or on a first-come, first-served basis. If you choose to hold your auditions by appointment, please consult Equity Audition Appointment Procedures to ensure that every Equity member has an equal opportunity to audition for you.

TYPE OF PERFORMERS being sought (e.g. Equity male and female actors or Equity/non-Equity singers who dance)

PREPARATION necessary for the audition (e.g. "Please prepare a brief classical comedic monologue." or "Please prepare a brief contemporary musical theatre song. Bring sheet music in your key." or "Sides will be provided.") We recommend reminding performers to bring a picture/resume stapled together.

OTHER INFORMATION our members might like to know, like your company's web address or casting philosophy.

CAST BREAKDOWN AND DESCRIPTION that meets your agreement's requirements. Some Equity agreements require complete role descriptions for all productions; others require only a list of available roles, or full descriptions for new plays/musicals only. The more complete information you provide, the better our members are able to "type themselves" prior to attending your auditions. Don't hesitate to give more information rather than less.

Please remember also to ENCOURAGE PARTICIPATION BY PERFORMERS OF ALL RACES AND ETHNICITIES and, when required by your company's agreement, to identify roles suitable for non-traditional casting in your notice.